Incorporation of a Company with Common Rules and Nuances.

7 years ago

Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto Incorporation of a company under the three aspects Incorporation of a company has…

Trademark of one used by another as part of business

7 years ago

Where a trademark or tradename of one trader is used as part of the trading style or corporate name of…

Revival and rehabilitation of weak industrial companies

7 years ago

The sick industrial companies act 1985 has been repealed. It have been brought into the companies’ act 1956. It is…

Circumstances of winding up of a company by the tribunal

7 years ago

A company may be spoiled by the board in the following circumstances: If the company has a special resolution passed…

Annual accounts and directors report at the annual general meeting

7 years ago

At annual general meeting, the performance of the company in the last financial year and to consider the question of…

Debentures and convertible debentures

7 years ago

Raising of funds by issue of debentures or bonds is also a source of long-term capital for a company like…

Trade and Merchandise Marks act 1958

7 years ago

Given in the section hold good unless the context otherwise requires. Where the context shows an intention repugnant to the…

Effect of trademark registration parts

7 years ago

The effect of trademark registration parts may consists various points that consult on the proprietor rights of the trademark.  …

First issue of shares by a public limited company

7 years ago

  Time when right issue conditions will not apply Up to two years from the public limited company registration, it…

Estimate of company registration fees

7 years ago

The estimate fees payable to the registrar of companies at the time of registration depend on the authorized capital of…