Clause 4.5 of ISO 9001 requires the supplier to establish and maintain documented procedures to control all documents and data…
Satisfaction of a charge signifies that the charge holder releases the charge on the property. A property charged in favor…
Use of the mark in relation to goods or services Section (2) says that the mark may be used "upon…
Clause 4.14, which serves as the basis for quality improvement, is one of the most important clauses of the ISO…
The 1994 versions of the quality assurance standards ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 specify three sets of quality…
The companies act 2013 has given rise to the creation of a new category of companies called "One Person Company".…
Under section 18(4) of the act the registrar has power to refuse an application for registration. The refuse ordinarily based…
Do you being a software company wish to acquire an overseas software company ? Software Company wish to get an…
Here we discuss in this article about the procedure for incorporation of a company. The four important company registration like…
Select a suitable firm name Firm name is merely the name under which the partners carry on their business. It…