Trademark registration infringement of registered mark

9 years ago

A registered trademark is imposed by a person who, not being a registered holder of a person using by way…

Private Limited Company Nature of Business

9 years ago

The Provisions of Private Company and Public Company The meaning of private company and the manner in which a public…

The Procedure For Firm Registration Under Partnership Act

9 years ago

  Under the partnership Act, firm registration is optional, and not essential. This is clear from the plan of section…

The Effect of Registration To incorporate A Limited Company

9 years ago

The Incorporation of Certificate On the registration of a directive of a company, the officer shall certify under his hand…

The Use of Registered Trademark With Trademark Registration

9 years ago

In the registered trademark uses, no application for the trademark registration in view of any goods or services shall be…

The Different Types of Company To Incorporate A Business

9 years ago

The companies act 1956 provides a company is to register and formed an current company under this Act. A company…

A Change in Constitution of the Firm Registration

9 years ago

The difference in the constitution has happened because of a partner coming in or another going out or change in…

What is Joint Venture and Partnership Between Their Relationships

9 years ago

The joint venture holding company will be permitted to handle the position. A pre qualified company or joint venture corporation…

What is One Person Company

9 years ago

The one person company is managed by a single person to run a company limited by shares, the Companies Act,…

Company Registration Details Liability Of Directors

9 years ago

The company registration section deals with powers to prevent change in the board of directors likely to affect company registration…