A registered trademark is imposed by a person who, not being a registered holder of a person using by way…
The Provisions of Private Company and Public Company The meaning of private company and the manner in which a public…
Under the partnership Act, firm registration is optional, and not essential. This is clear from the plan of section…
The Incorporation of Certificate On the registration of a directive of a company, the officer shall certify under his hand…
In the registered trademark uses, no application for the trademark registration in view of any goods or services shall be…
The companies act 1956 provides a company is to register and formed an current company under this Act. A company…
The difference in the constitution has happened because of a partner coming in or another going out or change in…
The joint venture holding company will be permitted to handle the position. A pre qualified company or joint venture corporation…
The one person company is managed by a single person to run a company limited by shares, the Companies Act,…
The company registration section deals with powers to prevent change in the board of directors likely to affect company registration…