Why to form a company ?

Why to form a company ? There are different forms of organisations to choose from to do business such as sole proprietorship, partnership, co-operative societies, and joint stock company. Each one of these organisations has special features and characteristics of its own. The company as a form business organization that has come to acquire a pre- eminent position in modern […]

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Trademark registration application procedure for duration of registration

Trademark registration application procedure The trademark registration application procedure for the duration of the registration mark. Where the proprietor of a trademark of any person claiming to use or proposed to be used by him. The registration of his trademark is writing to the registrar in the prescribed manner to apply for registering who is desirous. The trademark registration is […]

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The company registration act 1956

The Company Registration Act The registration of companies either public or private is mainly regulated unless not expressly prevented under the company registration Act 1956. The companies Act 1956 presents the companies which must register the companies which cannot register and the companies not formed under the Act which may register. The Companies Act which must register The company registration […]

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Trademark registration additional representations of mark

Trademark registration of representation Every application for trademark registration additional models of the application is needed in every such copy shall have a representation of the trademark and prepared for the application. The scope of such representation of any cases the mark shall not exceed 33 centimeters by 20 centimeters on the left hand part of the trademark. Trademark registration […]

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Company registration prospectus under companies act 1956

Company registration prospectus of section (60) The registration of prospectus of a company under section (60) of the companies act 1956 in a registration prospectus. There is no prospectus is expressed by a company or an intended company unless the date of its publication. Where the company registration prospectus of a copy has been transferred and signed by every person […]

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Trademark registration existing in respect of reclassification

Trademark registration existing of reclassification A trademark may handle to the registrar in form TM-40 of a registered proprietor for the modification of the statement relating to his trademark registration existing as to bring that specification into conformity with the modified designation. The specification in respect of any registered users shall include a request for the conversion of an application […]

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