What is Joint Venture and Partnership Between Their Relationships

The joint venture holding company will be permitted to handle the position. A pre qualified company or joint venture corporation may during the successive incorporation company or pre-qualified company subject to the approval of the government.The joint venture connects two or other companies joining together in one business. But a partnership has two or more people to maintain a business. […]

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What is One Person Company

The one person company is managed by a single person to run a company limited by shares, the Companies Act, 2013 under Sub- Section 62 of the Section 2 process a company which run by one person. The Section 3 divides one person company as a Private Company for the complete legal functions with only one member.The one person company […]

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Company Registration Details Liability Of Directors

The company registration section deals with powers to prevent change in the board of directors likely to affect company registration services, improperly. The relationship between the directors and the company requires law and that the organizers to contract with the capitals and properties of the company as trustees. The respondents to claim of being directors of a company who in […]

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Trademark Registration Process

A trademark is registered as combined with any other marks with the registrar shall sign in the register in relation with the earlier related trademark. The registration numbers of the marks with which it is joined and note in the office in relation with any of the identified trademark registration number of the first mentioned mark as being a trademark […]

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What Is Digital Signature Certificate

The Digital Signature Certificate is like a normal written signature it creates the name of the trader filing the certificate through internet which sender cannot remove or refuse. The Digital Signature Certificates can be used to validate in the case of directives and it is comparing of a regular signature that has a new input connected electronically to any news […]

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Partnership Firm Registration

Firm Registration The registration of a firm is particular under the Income tax act under the partnership Act 1932. A function for firm registration can be made if the partnership makes by an instrument of partnership and the individual shares are stated in that device. An application for firm registration is to be made to the assessing officer having jurisdiction […]

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