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Private Limited Company Registration of Prospective Company

Private Limited Company Registration Name of the Prospective Company

The private limited company registration promoters may choose any suitable name for the expected company, subject to the restrictions under the Act section 20, companies act 1956.The emblems and manes avoidance of incorrect use act of 1950 and guiding principles in this connection by the department of company law administration. A private limited company must not be registered by a name which in the opinion of the government is undesirable companies act 1956.

A private limited company registration name which is exact with or too practically feature the private limited company name by which a company in existence has been previously registered may be deemed to be undesirable by that government section. The purpose is to prevent persons to use a name having the likelihood of deception or confusion. It is nothing new because the principle extends equally to the use of names of partnership firms and individuals. The registrar is empowered to refuse private limited company registration in Chennai on this ground. The final stages of this company must be Limited in case of Private Limited and Public Limited Companies.



The Private Limited Company Names and Emblems

No person under the emblems and names avoidance of wrong use act of 1950 shall use or continue to use any name of the private limited company or emblem stated in the list without the earlier admission of the authority or of such officer of the government authorized by the central government. The schedule specifies a list of items for emblems names at this end of this part under other particulars authority shall be register and the private limited company which bears any such name in the section of improper use act of 1950.

The department of private limited company law affairs vide its circular has issued for deciding case of making a name available for registration under the companies act 1956.Once the promoters decide the name an application in the prescribed form which may be obtained from the officer to the secretary of companies of the state where the registered office of the private limited company registration is situated. The registrar may or may not approve the name. In case the name is not approved then new names will have to be submitted it is better to avoid rejection with in the period of 3 months. The approval is usually valid for 3 months with in which period the new company registration in Chennai may be registered and a new application should be made with prescribed fees to register new company.


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