Trademark rights vary from country to country. Foreigners can protect their trademarks by registering them in India, and likewise, Indians can register their trademarks in foreign nations. Indian trademark law is governed by the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), allowing registered trademarks to gain trans-border reputation.
Solubilis is your reliable partner in trademark registration, providing comprehensive assistance. We serve as your trademark representatives, monitoring the process, and regularly updating you on its status. To streamline information, details about the trademark registration process are available on our official website. In case of legal objections or oppositions, Solubilis handles the issues diligently until resolution.
To initiate trademark registration in Chennai, you'll need:
- Copies of logo
- PAN Card
- Aadhar Card.
- Address Proof (Latest Bank Statement, Telephone Bill, EB, or Mobile Bill)
- Signed form-48
- Certification of Incorporation (For LLP or company)
Ensure you have these documents ready for a smooth online trademark registration process.